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Tabs and Spaces Podcast

Dec 6, 2021

In the spirit of Christmas, the ghosts of development career past, present and future visit the Tabs and Spaces lads live at DDD Eastmidlands. In this episode, we explore what we would have been if we couldn't have been a developer? Did we very nearly not become developers? And do we think that we'll always be a...

Nov 1, 2021

This month Szabi Keresztes joins us to talk about what he thinks the future of the workplace looks like after the craziness we've all seen in the past 2 years. Will it ever be the same? Do we even want it to be? Over the course of an hour's conversation, we find out.

Listeners are encouraged to listen to our experiences...

Oct 4, 2021

In this episode, Aaron Clawson helps us to understand why having solid communities to rely on in tech can help you out so much. Also, we talk about how you can benefit those communities that you rely on so much. Deep right...?

Listeners are encouraged to listen to our experiences and use them to decide how they will...

Sep 6, 2021

The one and only Joe Zack of Coding Blocks fame joins us for an evening of dissecting the term Fullstack and how we use it within the industry. Listen and enjoy as each of us almost rhythmically flit between being in favour of calling yourself full stack and being vehemently against it. If there's a correct answer...

Aug 2, 2021

Off the back of the amazing chat we had with Leisha about all things crypto and NFTs we're proud to announce that we're exactly no closer to releasing TnS-coin, the only crypto powered by the lost minutes arguing about the position of curly braces on if statements.

Listeners are encouraged to listen to our experiences...